New In: Triumph and Disaster

When we decided to expand the shop, I knew that adding new apothecary vendors would be one of the best uses for the space.
I am, and will always be completely enthralled by branding. The gorgeous typography and packing of Triumph & Disaster is what first drew me in, but as with all of the apothecary we bring into the shop, the product inside has to be just as amazing. I never buy from a new brand without product testing first - every new item gets put through the ringer by me personally. In the three years our store has been open, I've tested nearly 1000 apothecary items. If it's in the shop, we've made sure it's worth the shelf space.
The Coltrane Clay Pomade is the best I've ever used, hands down. It's light, and doesn't leave a caked feeling in your hair - the reason I'm never a fan of clay pomade in the first place. Until I tried it for myself, I thought I'd never be able to use clay on my hair. But I picked up another jar of the Coltrane Clay as soon as I ran out, and couldn't recommend it more.
The Shearer's Soap is a unique product in the shop; it's a pumice soap. It's too intense for normal use, but does a hell of a job at smoothing down any rough patches you've got.
The Old-Fashioned Shave Cream is smooth and simple, and smells incredible - evocative of bright, fresh barbershop. A nostalgic smell. I don't shave my entire face, save for lining up with a straight razor. I used this shave cream to line up against the grain, and it had a perfect glide. Not much more you can ask for from a good shave cream.
The Rock & Roll Suicide Scrub is still sitting on my shower ledge and gets used twice a week, and it'll be there until I finish the entire tin. It's got a tiny bit of black charcoal but has a great creaminess to it that you don't get with most scrubs.
I could wax poetic about the entire line, but that should be enough to get you started. We've got the full line of hair and skin care available in store and online, and we'd love to help you find the product that will work best for you and look great on the sink.